
Friday, June 21, 2013

NurturMe Review and Giveaway! 6/22-6/29

NurturMe provides healthy organic food for your baby and toddler. They dry the food through a process called freeze/drum drying. Because they use this process they are able to preserve nutrients and quality that is lost with canned baby food.

I was sent the above samples along with crisp apples that is not pictured above. My daughter is only 5 months and is just starting out with eating solid foods so we only tried the 4+month foods.

As you can see above it comes in a powder form and you mix in water, or breast milk and it will look something like the bottom picture. (plump peas)

This was her very first taste of vegetables so I was expecting that she was not going to be a fan and her reaction agreed with my conclusion. (her reaction pictured above)

Then we tried the quinoa which she also did not like so we tried the final one, crisp apples and her reaction to this food was....

Was that she liked it a lot better than the other two foods!

Of course all babies have their likes and dislikes when it comes to foods so you should not base your opinion of NurturMe on how my baby liked these flavors that we were provided.
This was an easy product to put together, you can refrigerate up to 3 days which is nice because each pouch is a lot of food. Overall I liked this product but I will try new flavors next time.

NurturMe has also provided an infant feeding pack for a giveaway to one of my readers. So enter in the rafflecopter below!

(Infant Feeding Pack pictured above)

NurturMe Website
NurturMe Facebook
NurturMe Twitter

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My daughter's best friend is expecting twins(boy & girl) in October so I'm entering lots of baby giveaways.Thank you :)

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! I found you on twitter :)
